Selepas hampir sebulan lebih tak jumpa empat mata (well, enam mata to be exact because he's a specky guy), hari Sabtu tu dia datang. I was know. The eksaited-nak-mampus-tapi-taknak-show-off-nak-leklek-je kind of feeling hahahaaha.
Hampir seminggu aku serabut fikir cemana nak bagitau ibu dia nak datang rumah. Soalan wajib ibu yg aku dah bayangkan (which memang ibu tanya betul betul) : Buat ape datang? Nak pergi mana? Kenapa nak keluar? Hmm
*Dalam pada ibu duk bising bising cerita pasal beliau ngan aboh dulu cemane, aku dan lah pikir satu dua perkara. Maybe this is the time utk bagitau ibu?*
And for that, aku mintak satu hal dekat dia. Kalau betul betul ikhlas, datang rumah mintak kebenaran dengan ibu untuk kawan dengan anak dara beliau. And Alhamdulillah, he did it. Aku taktau nak ukur ikhlas orang. Tapi aku terkesan. Sungguh. I adore his bravery. Despite how he did it.
And why I wrote this post? Because I want it to be recorded. I want to be reminded that this is one of the day that we went through along the journey. Aku ni pelupa. Banyak benda yg aku akan lupa which is opposite dengan dia. Because so far, he was the one who kept remind me all those little things yg sometimes I would be amaze to know that he actually, remember.
I wanna read these someday. I wanna laugh to my writing. I wanna reminiscing those memories. And I hope when I happen to read this, I will be reading together with you :)
Sekarang dah lain. Penangan lovey dovey tu pelik. Hmm. I know. Aku dah parah.